Mandela Day (July 18th)



Listen, watch and react.
You may create a Mind map
the following key words:


Look at the document above. 

1° Who can you see? Describe him.

2° Do you recognize him?

You can find the man's name in the text!

3° When was the man born
and when did he die?

4° What else do you know about him?

5° From the text, tell about his interests

 and describe his personality.

 Find other words to define him.

Discover the life of this icon.

Step 1
for the Adventurers and the Explorers

Click on the link below
and do the activities. 

Step 2
for the Bold

Watch an listen to the video.

1° Write the dates correspondance
 to the various events.

Mandela's birth in a South African village.
He was the first in his family to attend school. He was a talented student.
He was expelled from university for his involvement in a boycott against the institution.
He was expected to become chief of his tribe like his father, but instead he chose to study law.
"It is absolutely important that you have the knowledge to save your country and your people"

He joined the African National Congress, a left-wing political party advocating equal rights and freedom.
Within the party, he was member of a group called the ANC Youth League. They used grassroots methods to get their point across: boycotts, strikes and general civil disobedience.

The white National Party was elected to government and instituted a legal system of racial segregation: the apartheid.
The A.N.C.Y.L. continued non-violent protest against racist policies. For example:

Defiance Campaign

Congress of the People
At that time, Mandela was also a lawyer for mistreated black South Africans: it was the first South African black law practice.
Mandela quickly became an enemy of the government and was targeted whenever possible.

He and about 150 protesters were arrested on a suspicion of treason. After a long trial, they were acquitted.

Creation of the Pan Africanist Congress by a group of militant Africans because peaceful approach was not working.
Mandela changed his position and proposed that armed conflict was the only way to end apartheid rule. He helped found a military group within the ANC called Umkhonto we Sizwe, which specialized in sabotage and guerilla warfare.

Mandela was arrested for a strike organized the previous year. He was sentenced to 5 years in prison, but ended up spending his next 27 years in jail.
He was also charged with sabotage, treason and violent conspiracy during the infamous Rivonia trial.
He was sentenced to life in prison and barely escaped the death penalty.
His first years were spent in a prison on Robben Island.

He was transferred.
He was treated poorly as a black prisoner.
He earned a Bachelor of Law's degree through a correspondence programme.
During this time, his profile grew, he became an international symbol of anti-apartheid resistance.
Several times, the government offered him his freedom in exchange for the abandonment of his beliefs. Each time, he refused.

He was released by the new president. He was 72.

Mandela became president of the ANC and helped negotiate the end of apartheid laws.

The Population Registration Act was repealed: racial groups were no longer legally separated. This marked the beginning of the end of apartheid rule.

First democratic elections. ANC: 62 % of the vote.

Mandela was sworn in as the first black president of South Africa.
He spent his term rebuilding the economy and uniting the country.
He used the country's national rugby team as a rallying point for all citizens and as a way  to bring the country onto the world stage in a positive light.

His term ended. He retired from active politics.

He left public life.

He convened a group of world leaders called "The Elders" with figures like Desmond Tutu, Jimmy Carter and Kofi Annan. They aimed to resolve world problems like poverty, AIDS and climate change.

He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
                             Nelson Mandela died on 5 December 2013.

2° Write in French 5 outstanding facts
from Mandela's life.

3° Pick up all the verbs in the Past
and classify them into 2 columns


Don't forget to add the infinitive form and the meaning of the verbs  in French. 

Step 3
for the Experts

Click on the link below and read. 

1° What sort of document is it? 

2° Make a timeline of the icon's life.

Watch and discover.

1° What does this video show?
2° What/Who does it represent?

3° What is striking about this art work?

4° Which episode of the icon's life
does it refer to?

5° Which impression
does this art work give you?

Which values does it convey, if any?

Look, listen and enjoy 
the sound and the lyrics!

The Zulu word "Asimbonanga" means "We have not seen him",. A press release from Woolworths says the song was written to reflect on the fact that Madiba was not visible to South Africans due to the prohibition of the publication of images or depictions of him during his imprisonment.

“Today, the phrase implies that the great work he started in binding together a new nation has not yet been completed. It is a call to the new South African generation to find inspiration in his life and work to continue his legacy,” the statement continues.

In the video, Johnny Clegg teaches the song to the future generation and to call upon them to make Madiba's dream for a thriving, united and democratic South Africa visible. This video features the winners of the 2014 MySchool Choir competition from Riebeek College Girls' High in Uitenhage, South Africa.
[source: iol]


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