
Affichage des articles du mars, 2018

Happy Easter!

TO THE 6TH GRADERS!  ACTION 1 Look at the gif image above and answer the questions. 1° Which animal is represented? 2° What is there in front of it? 3° Why? 4° What is the nickname of this animal for Easter ?   5° Do you know famous animals                   like this one (fictional or real) ? Check here.   ACTION 2 Learn your Easter vocabulary.   a) Look, listen and repeat.  b) Draw and associate the drawing with the right vocabulary. ACTION 3 Let's revise with Easter numbers! a) Look, read and say the numbers. b) Look and answer the questions.     c) Watch the video and listen to the song first. d) Watch the video again and sing the song with the little girl!   ACTION 4   Enjoy yourself with Easter surprise eggs!            ACTION 5   Let's revise your Alphabet with the Sneaky the Rab

HaPpY ApRiL FoOlS' DaY!

  FOR THE 6TH GRADERS   STARTER! Look at the 2 documents above  and  react!      ACTION 1 Look at the document below and describe it. ACTION 2 Watch and tell about the contents of the episode in English or French! ACTION 3 Look at the following photos  and describe pranks [= tours/farces ] you see. Need some vocabulary?  NOUNS a bucket (of water/paint) =  un seau (d'eau/de peinture) cellophane = un film de cellophane  a car = une voiture chocolate = du chocolat an office = un bureau [=espace] an open space = un espace ouvert   a plastic balloon = un ballon en plastique a plate = une assiette toothpaste = de la pâte à dentifrice ACTION VERBS Cover (with) = Couvrir  (avec) Fall = tomber Mix (... with) = mélanger  (... avec) OTHER... Above = au-dessus   PHOTO 1 PHOTO 2 PHOTO 3 PHOTO 4

Let's welcome Spring, Daylight Savings Time and Earth Hour!

Let's enjoy the Super Spring Ladies and Gentlemen's performances!     REVISE THE TIME IN ENGLISH! For the Adventurers                   For the Explorers   For both the Adventurers and the Explorers For the Bold and the Expert     Let's have fun  and  Hip Hop around the clock!