
Affichage des articles du février, 2018

March: a Blossoming Month for Women!

MARCH 8 STARTER+  Watch, listen and copy the poem the little girl recites so amazingly! STARTER++   Watch and tell about the issue. You may draw a giant Mind map to express key-words or just copy the lyrics and explain the main ideas.   ACTION +  Watch and react. AWESOME GIRLS BOYS VS GIRLS THESE GIRLS AND WOMEN GOT IT!   ACTION 1 Why are women celebrated on March 8? ACTION 2   11 February 2018 is ...   42nd day of the year.   There are then 323 days left in 2018.   6th Sunday of 2018.   On the 6th week of 2018.   53rd day of Winter.   There are 37 days left till Spring. Watch the videos below  and make the meaning.