Time to revise your basics 9th Graders!
TO BE OR NOT TO BE... TO HAVE OR NOT TO HAVE... HAVE TO (obligation) AUXILIARIES IN ENGLISH https://www.anglaiscours.fr/les-auxiliaires-en-anglais.html PRESENT SIMPLE PRESENT SIMPLE + ROUTINE http://chagall-col.spip.ac-rouen.fr/IMG/didapages/routine2/index.html PRESENT SIMPLE + DAILY ACTIVITIES THE PAST IN ENGLISH PAST OF 'BE' IRREGULAR VERBS ACTION + Let's improve your vocabulary! http://www.lexilogos.com/anglais_langue_dictionnaires.htm ACTION ++ Let's improve your pronunciation! http://cambridgeenglishonline.com/Phonetics_Focus/ http://www.cambridge.org/elt/resources/skills/interactive/pron_animations/index.htm