
Affichage des articles du septembre, 2017

Mission Impossible for the 9th Graders!

MISSION + SPEAK FOR A FEW MINUTES  GET TO KNOW YOUR NEW ENGLISH TEACHER Curriculum themes SCHOOL AND SOCIETY JOBS AND CAREER   ACTION 1  Get familiar with some facts... and rack your brains! Topic 1 DISCOVER AND TRUST YOURSELF Know how, know yourself!    [extract] Topic 2  STUDY AND LEARN MORE Dig into the text and go further! ACTION 2   WRITE AND REACT  Pick your choice and prepare your speech!  Topic 1 GET PREPARED Pick your words and expressions.   Topic 2 Organize your ideas and build up your speech!   MISSION ++ Get informed and report  about  September news!  Topic 1 GET PREPARED Look, read, pick your words and expressions or make notes. Let's recap the 9

Welcome aboard for the 6th Graders!

SEPTEMBER WELCOME!    Me, here, now. Bags on the floor! Nothing on the table! Jackets off... on the chairs! Ready to start now! Hooray! Welcome to your English Class  where you are invited to feel English  in your body and through all your senses -your eyes, your ears, your mouth, your tongue, your breath!     Look, listen/read and do.     Ready to board Hogwarts train?   ACTION 1   Say hello, introduce yourself and present your train ticket.  LESSON IN CLASS     STUDENTS' PERFORMANCES ACTION 2 Don't miss the train and save the date!     ACTION 3 Revise your ordinal numbers!     ACTION+ More training here!   BREAKTIME FOR HELP AND THE BEST S