
Affichage des articles du mai, 2018

Happy Mother's Day!

STARTER  Listen to the karaoke song and enjoy the tune end the lyrics. Then, copy the lyrics. Highlight the key-words. TO THE 6TH GRADERS ACTION 1 Do you know the answers to these questions? a) When is Mother's Day in the UK, the USA and France? b) How did the movement start in each country? ACTION 2 Watch, listen and pick up 10 key pieces of information. ACTION 3 How can you celebrate your Mum?  Look, read and explain.  Option 1 You can... Option 2 You can... Option 3 You can... Option 4 You can... Option 5 You can... ACTION + Create handmade crafts for Mother's Day!...

Royal wedding if you were on the spot!

For the 6th Graders and... the Fans! BEFORE THE WEDDING  ACTION 1 Look and describe the document above. 1) What is the document? 2) Who can you recognize? on the front page? 3) What are they wearing? 4) What are they like? (Face expression and temper) How do you know? 5) What is "the Big Day"? 6) Is the baby (on the bottom-right corner  of the front page) the couple's baby? ACTION 2 Read and write   their biographies in your own words. ACTION 3 Watch and report. ACTION 4 Look and select what you need for a Royal Wedding.   ACTION 5 Discover former [=précédentes]  Wedding outfits  [=tenues] ! a) Describe them. b) Which one is the most beautiful? c) Which ones(s) do you prefer? d) Do you recognize these couples? Read and learn more about the Wedd...